A datacube implementation within my internship

My first internship was at the National Observatory Of Athens. At my first day visiting, we discussed about my capabilities and a fitting project for my experience. So we decided that I would implement a database for geospatial data. So the software that helped me achieve this goal was the opendatacube. The datacube is essentialy a postgreSQL database underneath. Taken straight from the website:

The Open Data Cube (ODC) is an Open Source Geospatial Data Management and Analysis Software project that helps you harness the power of Satellite data.

I began by instantiating a VM in google’s cloud engine, running ubuntu and following this great guide!As soon as I finished up I received sampled .TIFF files (Tagged Image File Format) from my mentor to test out with the new setup. Now, to add the .tiff files to the datacube all you need to do is:

  1. Define the specification of the sentinel-1 spec or another satelite spec in yaml file.
  2. Define the desired metadata you want to extract from the dataset.
  3. If the .tiff file needs preprocessing run it through prep script.
  4. Add the dataset by pointing to the yaml file from step 2 or 3.

Finally at the end I experimented with jupyter notebook and simple ml operations. You can find more of the work in my repo

